Advice for Companies

Dealing in Natural Foods and Dietary Supplements



Ullman, Shapiro & Ullman

The attorneys of Ullman, Shapiro & Ullman, LLP combine a close focus on food, drug, and cosmetic law with a deep understanding of the law, rules and regulations reated to advertising claims enabling us to provide our clients with unparalleled advice to help guide their companies through the complex maze of challenges of a highly regulated area of commerce.. Additionally, we have a long track record of successful litigation in civil trials and administrative enforcement proceedings.

For our clients, this translates into comprehensive service across the range of legal, regulatory and legislative issues that manufacturers, importers, distributors and advertisers are likely to encounter in the natural foods, dietary supplements and nutritional products industry. Our lawyers can also provide expert assistance to the OTC drug and cosmetics industries.


Schedule Appointment

To learn how your startup or established company can benefit from the counsel of experienced and highly focused lawyers, contact our office in New York by phone or e-mail.


Advice for Companies Dealing in

Natural Products and Dietary Supplements

Our scope of legal services include:

  • Counseling clients on regulatory compliance under the rules and regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  • Counseling clients on regulatory compliance under the rules and regulations of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

  • Introduction of New Dietary Ingredients for use in dietary supplements

  • Development of strategies for achieving GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status for food ingredients

  • Compliance with the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA)

  • Management of product recalls, defense of FDA inspections and general crisis management

  • Review of advertising and product claims in traditional and online media

  • Documentation and review of quality agreements

  • Response to and management of consumer complaints

  • Representation in administrative hearings and civil litigation relating to product issues, and claims.

Though based in New York City, our law firm has a nationwide and global clientele. We provide counsel to companies located throughout the United States and abroad that are doing business in the United States. Our familiarity with federal product safety and consumer advertising regulations benefit our clients regardless of where they are located.

Our Clients

Our clients conduct business in all facets of the Natural Products Industry. Whether your company focuses on food, vitamins, dietary supplements, herbals/botanicals, weight loss products, or any other dietary supplement, cosmetics and OTC drug industries we can provide you with the necessary support to help you grow your company and manage complaince matters. This is true whether you company is concerned with manufacturing, advertising, import-export, distribution, direct mail, television / infomercial advertising and/or Web marketing. Our attorneys advise established companies and emerging startups alike.

Regardless of their particular business, all of our clients stand to benefit from a distinctive feature of our practice — our commitment to prompt response and efficient client service. Our lawyers are able to provide clear advice quickly and succinctly and are willing to answer a client question in a single e-mail rather than a 15-page memo whenever possible. Our focused experience in our areas of practice allows us to advise our clients promptly and with confidence.

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